Since its beginnings over twenty years ago, buying and selling have been the linchpins of JC Equipment’s operations. When we saw how many machines that should be in use at foodstuffs and chemotechnical industries were in fact gathering dust, we realised that we had a unique opportunity to do our part with regard to sustainability. Over the years we have built up a wide network of contacts in a number of different industries that make use of packaging and filling solutions. This means that we often already have a client when someone in our contact network reaches out to let us know that a machine needs to be replaced. What is surplus for one person can be exactly what someone else needs.
Used machines increase the profitability of your company and help you to act sustainably in relation to the environment. There are a vast number of filling machines and packaging solutions out there: trough-packaging machines for meat, powder-filling machines for protein powders, jerry-can-filling machines for juices and other liquids, capping machines for beer bottles, and lid-pressing machine for jam jars, to mention just a few.